>Materials :
with pen and ink; wash, grey
Measurements : 315 mm x 215 mm
Inscribed, as title, and signed by artist, lower right. The yacht is the
former America's Cup challenger, 'Thistle', which had been laid up at Gourock
on moorings until bought by Kaiser Wilhelm II and refitted. He raced her for the
Queen's Cup at Cowes in 1893 and despite having many guests including Wyllie on
board with him, she won. This drawing was reproduced in 'Sea Fights of the
Great War' co-authored by Wyllie and M.F. Wren (1918) facing p. 4. accompanying
Wyllie's account of the occasion (pp. 2-4), and specificaly how 'Meteor'
passed through the crowded anchorage to do so - her boom rattling along the
shrouds of a steam yacht to starboard (left here) and the spinnaker boom rapidly
hoisted up to clear the funnel of the launch on the right. The figure in white
standing on 'Meteor's' prow is the Kaiser. The drawing was probably done for
the book, base on sketches done in 1893. At least three which Wyllie did on
board 'Meteor' include the Kaiser: see PAE0232, PAE0233 and PAE0457. [PvdM