Document No 678: Start, American cup race. Oct. 7, 1893. | |||||||||||||||
REF : 0 EDITION : 1893 DATE : 07 Oct 1893 - 11:25 COURSE : 2 DESCRIPTION SITE : "796" on negative. The first decisive race was sailed October 7th, it being as before over a thirty-mile course, but laid to leeward and windward. The wind at the start was moderate W. by N., later shifting to S. W., making a broad reach on the first leg, and a close lay home, over a rolling sea. The start was made with loftiest club-topsails on, and all light canvas ready for use. The boats went over promptly after gunfire, with only five seconds between them, Valkyrie's time being 11.25.25 and Vigilant's 11.25.30. Both broke out spinnakers as they crossed, and slipped easily off under a cloud of white cloth before the six-knot breeze. NOTES AMERICA-SCOOP :LICENCE : Public domain |