A beautiful, miniture
canvas transfer reproduced from the original oil painting by noted artist James
E. Buttersworth.
The hand-crafted art transfer process produces
the effect of the original paintings. The paintings have been transferred from
lithographic prints of the image onto canvas. Brush strokes are applied to
enhance the authentocity of the replica, and a coat of varnish is applied to
protect the finished product. Comes with a beautiful gold wood frame, 7" x 9
James E. Buttersworth was born in England in 1817, his
career spanned over 60 years in maritime art development. His unique style and
attention to detail in ship's portraits set him apart from other artists. One
of his paintings has been on display in the White House since 1971, and many of
his other works are in the collections here at Mystic Seaport, as well as
private homes worlwide.