Yves GARY Hits: 5248
According to an article by the Royal Yacht Squadron :
The cup's name comes from the yacht America which, in 1851, won the Royal Yacht Squadron's race round the Isle of Wight for a Cup of One Hundred Sovereigns (not guineas – the cup is often referred to mistakenly as the Hundred Guinea Cup, by which name it became known in America where it was subsequently engraved).
Yves GARY Hits: 6411
The RYS Minutes of 9 May 1851 record the decision to hold a race on Friday 22nd August, during the club's Regatta, which would be open to yachts of clubs of all nations. This first such race was arranged so that America could take part if she came to England. Squadron races were normally open only to their own yachts.
Yves GARY Hits: 8509
As often as the story of the cup is told, is related the good old tale of the famous dialogue of the queen with her signal-master, who, peering from the deck of the Victoria and Albert down The Solent, was asked by Her Majesty: "
- Say, signal-master, are the yachts in sight?
- Yes, may it please Your Majesty.
- Which is first?...
Yves GARY Hits: 1971
Cowes, Friday Evening, Aug 22,1851.
The day that has been looked forward to here with so much anxiety during the present week, as pregnant with the most important results to the fame of the British Royal Yacht Squadron, has at length arrived, and a few hours will soon set at rest the many thousand conjectures as to whether the Royal Yacht Squadron is still Invincible, or whether that honoris henceforth to rest with our transatlantic brethren.
Yves GARY Hits: 6468
The start does not seem to have inspired many painters, perhaps because the schooner America was not shown to advantage, so here is a picture of the the castle of and the Cowes start line traditional of all the races of the Royal yacht Squadron.
Yves GARY Hits: 9182
Many paintings exist representative the £100 Cup. Some depict a specific time of the race that can be situed approximately in time and space through the respective positions of ships, their appearance, the landscape and sometimes indications of their author. Some times shown below are questionable. The debate is open.