Yves GARY Hits: 4523
Reports from England of Genesta’s success abroad in 1884, her first year, where she was conceded to be the best all-round boat, convinced the officers of the club that vigorous steps had to be taken to get a suitable boat with which to defend, none of the existing ones being considered fast enough, or large enough.
So the flag officers, James Gordon Bennett and William P. Douglas, decided to build a sloop.
Yves GARY Hits: 3852
On February 26, a design by A. Cary Smith, and designs and models by others were shown at the meeting of the New York Yacht Club and Mr. Smith's design was adopted. On March 9 a meeting of the America's Cup Committee was held for a final decision on the type of the defender.
The contract for the Bennett-Douglass yacht was given to Harlan & Hollingsworth of Wilmington, Delaware, builders of Mischief, ...