Yves GARY Hits: 4616
Defender was designed by Nathanael Greene Herreshoff and built by the Herreshoff Manufacturing Company in 1895. It was Herreshoff's second victorious America's Cup defender design. She was a sloop with all-metal construction: steel, aluminum, and manganese bronze.
Yves GARY Hits: 5883
In this country we were not content to trust the defense to Vigilant, especially after her poor showing against Britannia in 1894, and a syndicate was formed in the New York Yacht Club (syndicates were getting to be the fashion those days, with the growing cost of building and running a defender) to build a new boat. In this syndicate were C. Oliver Iselin, who was to manage the yacht, W. K. Vanderbilt, and E. D. Morgan.
Yves GARY Hits: 1908
X3D is an open standard for 3D content delivery. It is not a programming API, nor just a file format for geometry interchange.