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At the conclusion of the races of Puritan and Genesta, the New York Yacht Club took up the challenge of Lieut. William Henn of the Galatea, and at a meeting held October 22d, 1885, definitely accepted it, fixing the races for the following year. The conditions arranged for the races were practically the same as those in the 1885 series.
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In anticipation of Galatea's coming, Boston yachtsmen immediately “got busy” after the 1885 race, with a view to holding the laurels they had won. General Paine, one of the Puritan syndicate, feeling sure that Puritan could be improved upon, which feeling was shared by the yacht's designer, placed an order with Edward Burgess for a new sloop, somewhat larger than Puritan, of which he was to be the sole owner.
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The course chosen for the first race was the regular one of the New York Yacht Club, starting from buoy 18, New York harbor, and the same as the one sailed over by the Puritan and Genesta in the "inside" race of the previous year. Interest in yachting in general, and in this event in particular, had been intensified by the races of 1885, and throughout the country news of the progress of the struggle was eagerly sought.
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New York Tribune : Published: September 8, 1886
Two of the fastest yachts that ever raced sailed for the America's Cup over the New-York Yacht Club course yesterday and, as has happened every time the cup has been contested for, victory remained with the Stars and Stripes.
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The Sun : Published September 8, 1886
A murky, gray veil of fog lay in huge folds over the harbor yesterday morning obscuring the great fleet of pleasure boats at anchor off Bay Ridge, and giving a ghostly appearance to the tugs and steamers and ferry boats that puffed and hurried to and fro.
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New York Tribune : Published: September 12, 1886
The America's cup will not go across the ocean this year, for the Mayflower won the second of the international races yesterday. The victory of the American boat was so great and so complete that the race was uninteresting.
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The Sun : Published: September 12, 1886
The international yacht contest between the Yankee sloop Mayflower and the cutter Galatea, the British idea of a racing yacht, is over and the Yankee model won, as it has always won since there were any Yankees to make models.