Yves GARY Hits: 3664
After the Cup Race of 1901 it began to be apparent to everyone who had followed yacht racing closely that the limit to which everything could be sacrificed for speed in racing yachts had about been reached.
The tendency in Cup defenders was naturally reflected in smaller yachts, and, on the whole, a very unsatisfactory type of racing boat was being developed.
Yves GARY Hits: 4043
While the two Shamrocks were busy with each other in England things were happening fast in this country. The Reliance had been launched April 12th, and even in her sail stretching spins showed evidence of great speed, particularly in smooth water and light airs.
In order to give her a thorough trying out Mr. E. D. Morgan put Columbia in commission and gave the command to Captain " Lem " Miller, who was ...
Yves GARY Hits: 3934
August 19, 1903 - Reliance and Shamrock III., the two great yachts which will race to-morrow for the America's Cup and the world's yachting championship, ...
Yves GARY Hits: 3540
Aug. 21, 1903 - To Reliance and Shamrock Ill., to the owners of the two great yachts, and to the many thousands who journeyed down the bay to see them race, yesterday was a day of disappointment. The yachtsmen were disappointed because there was not enough wind to drive the yachts around ...
Yves GARY Hits: 3428
Aug. 23, 1903 - A fine breeze and a good sea yesterday made the first real race between Reliance and Shamrock III. a splendid contest, and a bright ...
Yves GARY Hits: 3456
Aug. 26, 1903 - Reliance and Shamrock III, sailed their second race yesterday, and Reliance won her second victory.
Yves GARY Hits: 3171
Aug. 28, 1903 - The light winds that prevailed yesterday about Sandy Hook and off the Jersey coast were not strong enough to drive Reliance and...
Yves GARY Hits: 3396
Sept. 03, 1903 - Reliance won her third race from the third Shamrock yesterday, and the reward of her three victories is the title.