John Mecray - J boats - PencilThe fifth and final Challenger of Sir Thomas Lipton

1929 : Sir Thomas Lipton, owner of Lipton Tea, decides to challenge for the America's Cup for what will be his fifth and final time. He commissions naval architect, Charles E. Nicholson with the task of designing Shamrock V. She is built at Camper and Nicholson Shipyard in Gosport, UK.

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Category: SHAMROCK V

02942VFirst J-Class yacht to be commissioned and built in the UK

Sources : Towards the end of 1929, Lipton issued his fifth and final challenge for the Cup (he was busy planning his sixth when he died). In the negotiations that followed as they always do when someone lays a challenge, Lipton agreed to build his yacht to the American Universal Rule, and that the yacht would be of the J Class.

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Category: SHAMROCK V


X3D is an open standard for 3D content delivery. It is not a programming API, nor just a file format for geometry interchange.

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Category: SHAMROCK V

LogoPatheVideosVAll videos are hosted at British Pathé.

The British Pathé website hosts the very best of pioneering video journalism. British Pathé is considered to be the finest newsreel archive in the world. The entire archive of 85,000 films is available to view for free on the British Pathé website.

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Category: SHAMROCK V

Photos of Shamrock V, challenger  of America's Cup 1930Gallery "Sir Thomas Lipton"

Sir Thomas Lipton bequeathed his collection of photographs, newspaper cuttings and memorabilia to the Mitchell Library where it is still housed. In 1999, the collection was showing signs of degradation and conservation was required. Unilever, who now own the Lipton brand, were approached and funded the conservation and digitisation costs.

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Category: SHAMROCK V
Category: SHAMROCK V
Category: SHAMROCK V