Yves GARY Hits: 1789
The third and last race of the series for the America's Cup 1901 was sailed on the fourth of October and concluded with the most magnificent finish ever seen in a yacht race...
Shamrock II was certainly the best boat just like another drawing by George L. Watson (Valkyrie II) eight years earlier.
Yves GARY Hits: 1875
Here is the 3D Video of the second race of the 1901 America's Cup.
The first race on September 28 saw a difficult victory for Columbia because for the first time a challenger, Shamrock II, dominated a defender on the first leg toward the wind. br>The second race will take place on October 3rd on a triangular course off Sandy Hook.
Yves GARY Hits: 1885
Third and final version of this first 3D video of the America's Cup.
The main improvement is the passage in high resolution: 1280x720.
The sound system was also improved by using the only paid software (WaveCut Audio Editor: 13.86 EUR) used on the site.
Yves GARY Hits: 1599
For this second version, many improvements make it easier to understand :
- Time display
- Posting comments (hours of passage ...)
- Plan of the course and route of each boat
- Sound system (to be improved)
Yves GARY Hits: 2024
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