Category: SHAMROCK 23M

Photos of Shamrock, challenger of America's Cup 1899Gallery "Sir Thomas Lipton"

Sir Thomas Lipton bequeathed his collection of photographs, newspaper cuttings and memorabilia to the Mitchell Library where it is still housed. In 1999, the collection was showing signs of degradation and Unilever, who now own the Lipton brand, funded the conservation and digitisation costs.

Each thumbnail presented here contains a link to the original photo on the Mitchell Library' s website.


Visit of the King of Spain in 1910

1409-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. Sir Thomas Lipton in shot. c1910.   1411-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. Sir Thomas Lipton and Queen of Spain in shot. c1910.   1413-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1414-Colonel Neill and the Queen of Spain at work on Shamrock. c1910.   1415-King Alfonso's party, the Queen of Spain, Sir Thomas Lipton and Colonel Neill aboard Shamrock. c1910.
1409-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. Sir Thomas Lipton in shot. c1910.   1411-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. Sir Thomas Lipton and Queen of Spain in shot. c1910.   1413-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1414-Colonel Neill and the Queen of Spain at work on Shamrock. c1910.   1415-King Alfonso's party, the Queen of Spain, Sir Thomas Lipton and Colonel Neill aboard Shamrock. c1910.
1416-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock, Sir Thomas Lipton in shot. c1910.   1417-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1418-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1419-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1420-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. c1910.
1416-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock, Sir Thomas Lipton in shot. c1910.   1417-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1418-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1419-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1420-King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. c1910.
1421-Sir Thomas Lipton, the Queen of Spain and King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1422-Colonel Neill, Sir Thomas Lipton and the Queen of Spain aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1424-Colonel Neill, Sir Thomas Lipton and the Queen of Spain aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1425-Looking out to sea from Shamrock. c1910.   1426-Sir Thomas Lipton on board Shamrock with the Queen of Spain. c1910.
1421-Sir Thomas Lipton, the Queen of Spain and King Alfonso's party aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1422-Colonel Neill, Sir Thomas Lipton and the Queen of Spain aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1424-Colonel Neill, Sir Thomas Lipton and the Queen of Spain aboard Shamrock. c1910.   1425-Looking out to sea from Shamrock. c1910.   1426-Sir Thomas Lipton on board Shamrock with the Queen of Spain. c1910.
1427-King Alfonso's party on board Shamrock. Colonel Neill in view. c1910.                
1427-King Alfonso's party on board Shamrock. Colonel Neill in view. c1910.