Yves GARY Affichages : 3119
Ahmed John Kenealy est né en 1856, l'ainé des 12 enfants de E.V.H. Kenealy. Il a été marié en Angleterre à une Marie, puis a émigré aux États-Unis aux environs de 1880. Il a deux filles, Cathleen et Viola, nées respectivement en 1882 et 1883 à New York. La famille vivait dans le canton de Midland, Bergan NJ en 1900. Après avoir commandé des navires à travers l'Atlantique pendant de nombreuses années, Ahmed, qui a adopté le titre capitaine, expédiait correspondant pour la mer au New York Herald.
Son intérêt pour la mer l'a conduit à écrire un certain nombre de livres et de nombreux articles et reportages sur le yachting, les petits bateaux, l'entretien des bateaux, la cuisine à bord, etc.
YACHT RACES FOR THE AMERICA'S CUP A New Book That Will Be of Interest to Yachtsmen. A new volume has been added to the library of yachting literature. It is a history or the “ Yacht Races for the America's Cup" written by Capt. A. J. Kenealy. It is complete, having a record of the races sailed last season by the Vigilant and Valkyrie. In his preface Capt. Kenealy modestly says: “From 1880 up to the present date it has been my good fortune to witness nearly every great yacht race sailed on this side of the Atlantic—international and otherwise. For a number or years, in the yachting department of The New-York Herald, I enjoyed every facility for viewing the Puritan-Genesta, the Mayflower-Galatea, and the Volunteer-Thistle contests. For these reason, perhaps, I may not be altogether unfitted for the task I have assumed. My readers must excuse my lack or literary style, as I was brought up from a boy in the forecastle, and so never had the benefit of any book learning. |
I may add that, after I quit following the sea for bread, I spent all my time cruising in a smart fifteen-ton cutter tor pastime. This little book is, therefore, the product of a sailor's pen; yet, with all its shortcomings, I nevertheless hope that it may not prove uninteresting to yachtsmen and may find a place in their lockers afloat or their libraries ashore." The book is well illustrated, and will be highly prized by all yachtsmen. It will be read, too, by many who only take a passing interest in the sport and will be thoroughly enjoyed, as the veriest landlubber can read and appreciate Capt. Kenealy' s yachting yarns. Published: January 1, 1894 Copyright © The New York Times |
[PDF] The Ballast Fin.
[PDF] The Racers for the Americas Cup.
[PDF] The Victory of the Vigilant.
[PDF] The Cradle of the English Cutter.
[PDF] From Sloop to Cutter in America.
[PDF] OUTING FOR OCTOBER. The america’s cup challenge.
[PDF] The America’s Cup. [PDF] The Challenge of the Shamrock. Outing, by A. J. Kenealy. 1899 May Vol. XXXIV No. 2 p. 143-150. |
[PDF] The Launch of Columbia.
[PDF] The launch of the Shamrock.
[PDF] The Sea Rivals For The Americas Cup.
[PDF] Columbia, The Pride of the Ocean.
[PDF] The international races.
[PDF] The ineffectual races for America’s Cup.
[PDF] The Story of the New York Yacht Club. |
- Ahmed John Kenealy - Genealogy.com
- Kenealys in America - Message Boards
- Boat Sailing in Fair Weather and Foul - Internet Archive
- Yachting Wrinkles by Ahmed John Kenealy - Internet Archive
- Yachting Wrinkles - A Practical And Historical Handbook Of Valuable Information For The Racing And Cruising Yatchsman: A. J. Kenealy - Amazon.com: Books
- RACES FOR THE AMERICA'S CUP. - A New Book That Will Be of Interest to Yachtsmen. - Article - NYTimes.com
- BOATS AND THE SAILING OF THEM - BOAT SAILING IN FAIR WEATHER AND FOUL. By Capt. A.J. Kenealy. New-York - Outing Publishing Company. - Review - NYTimes.com
- Antique Trader Collectible Cookbooks Price Guide - Recipes prepared by Capt. A.J. Kenealy. - Books Google
- inauthor:"Ahmed John Kenealy" - Books Google